Monday, April 19, 2021

Tips To Wash Off Bacteria From Vegetables & Fruits During COVID – 19

The outbreak of Coronavirus has panicked the world. There is a frightening atmosphere which has made us insecure in this absurd routine where we don’t know what to do and how to react. While everyone is trying to protect themself by taking different precautionary measures like social distance, regular hands wash, use of masks and hygienic etc., we need to take care of healthy consumption of vegetables & fruits during COVID – 19.

Healthy food consumption has become more concerned with the fact that the vegetables & fruits may be infected with the virus because of its long supply chain route. The supply chain is not in our hand. There are lots of people involved in it. So there is a higher chance that the virus can find its own way to reach our home and make us sick. And the second point is, though Covid-19 vaccine hasn’t come out, the only way to cure ourselves is to have a healthy immune system of our body. Good immune systems depend on the kind of food that we are consuming nowadays.

Before touching the vegetables make sure to wash your hands which has been emphasized enough in this critical situation. So make sure to wash it by proper clean water which has been disinfected prior. As WHO recommended, infection of Coronavirus can be reduced by chlorine-based effervescent cleaning. And not just the hands also clean the countertop, cutting boards, and utensils.

To wash the vegetables & fruit, we have to make sure the sanitization of water that is going to be used. The water (that will be used for cleaning the vegetables) should be collected in the bowl and add the tablets of Bactafree in it. Before that, it is necessary to know, why Bactafree tablets?

Bactafree is the chlorine-based effervescent tablet to clean water that contains sodium dichloroisocyanurate  chlorine tablets which easily dissolves into the water. chlorine tablets is a chemical compound which is used as a cleaning agent. These tablets slowly release the chlorine into the water in very low concentration and kill the infectious germs which are presented at the surfaces of vegetables & fruit. Bactafree is an alternative solution of chlorine with some benefits over it.

Some certain vegetables and fruits require extra care during the cleaning. In the case of berries, we should place them in a colander and rinse them under the running water to separate the germs. Similarly, lettuce and leafy greens should be placed in a bowl of cold water solution. It helps to get the best result.

The solution of Bactafree is easy to make & convenient to use. One tablet is sufficient for 2 to 5 litre of water. It easily dissolves into the water. The water solution of Bactafree kills the invisible germs which are present on the surfaces of vegetables & fruits